Who is John Malkovich in Fantastic Four: First Steps? A few theories…

Who is John Malkovich in Fantastic Four: First Steps? A few theories…

Let’s get one thing straight right away: Nobody outside Kevin Feige’s Marvel Studios circle knows who John Malkovich (Being John Malkovich) is playing in The Fantastic Four: First Steps. A first trailer for the new film featured Malkovich in a bedraggled look, but little to go on for his identity — not even a good look at what he’s wearing.

We know who’s playing Galactus, the Silver Surfer, the Fantastic Four themselves, and even Doctor Doom, should he appear (likely in a credits scene), but Malkovich’s identity remains shrouded. But knowing Fantastic Four comics, and the rumors swirling around First Steps, here are the best bets, for anyone else who’s wondering exactly what’s going on here and just can’t wait until July.

The Mole Man

The Mole Man, the very first villain to ever menace the Fantastic Four, is rumored to appear in Fantastic Four: First Steps, and while Malkovich isn’t a match for many of Mole Man’s looks in the comics, why not, it’s possible.

What’s the Mole Man’s deal? A nuclear scientist scorned by the surface world for his homely appearance and bad attitude, this guy decided to go be an asshole to people underground instead, ruling the subterranean Moloids with an iron fist. He’s launched numerous attacks on the surface from his dark kingdom, and also he tried to harass Squirrel Girl into dating him one time.

If you remember the Underminder from the final scene of The Incredibles — an original superhero film that, at minimum, owes the Fantastic Four a really nice dinner — you’ve basically got it.

Malkovich likelihood: Unlikely. Not really a role for Malkovich’s talents, and the character designs just don’t match up.

The Red Ghost

One leading rumor popping up all over Reddit is that Malkovich is playing the Red Ghost. Now I know what you’re thinking: Oh, so he’s red and insubstantial?

NO, he’s a Russian scientist who created three intelligent ape subordinates and endowed himself and them with rival powers to the Fantastic Four. Although, he got powers of invisibility and walking through walls, so I guess you were half right.

Malkovich’s hair, seen in footage from The Fantastic Four: First Steps, certainly lines up with the Red Ghost, but for a movie that’s already got Galactus, and the Silver Surfer, and maybe the Mole Man, and presumably some kind of dimension hopping or time traveling twist to get the Four into the main Marvel Cinematic Universe… we just think adding in three intelligent apes on top of that is a lot. If Malkovich is the Red Ghost, he’s got to be a really expansive retread of the character.

Malkovich likelihood: Better than Mole Man, but still low, if we’re being real.

Franklin Richards

Franklin Richards is the oldest child of Reed Richards and Sue Storm. He’s endowed with the powers to warp reality on a cosmic scale, and is destined to be among the last beings alive when this version of the universe reaches its natural heat death. Now, don’t get it twisted: Franklin is a teenager in modern Marvel Comics continuity, but that hasn’t stopped comics creators from establishing his future identity and destiny via time travel and other plot devices.

So there’s no reason that Malkovich couldn’t be playing a future version of the first kid of Marvel’s first family, and there’s lots of comics precedent for an older version of Franklin playing a decisive role in the Fantastic Four’s lives.

Malkovich likelihood: Decent!

Reed Richards

Hey, if we’re bringing time travel into the mix, there’s no reason that Malkovich couldn’t be playing a future or alternate universe version of Reed Richards himself. Reed meeting an organized group of his alternate selves — the Council of Reeds — is a big part of one of the best regarded Fantastic Four arcs of the modern era.

Malkovich likelihood: Quite possible, though Malkovich seems to have donned blue contacts (or the digital equivalent) for the role, while Pedro Pascal’s peepers are his usual brown.

Nathaniel Richards

Did you know that when Reed Richards was a teenager, his dad went out for cigarettes and got stuck in a time war with all his multiversal selves, never to return for more than short visits, until he disappeared entirely a couple years before the FF got their powers? Well, anyway, Nathaniel Richards is kind of Reed Richards’ core familial trauma, and with the First Steps trailer emphasizing the Four as a tight-knit family that lives together, eats together, and even cooks together, it seems perfectly fitting that First Steps might focus in on Reed Richard’s not-so-happy home life, with Malkovich as Nathaniel.

We must leave a note here for the truly attentive MCU fans who are currently thinking: Hey, Nathaniel Richards’ time travel story sounds a lot like Kang’s from Loki season 2, and Kang’s original name was Nathaniel Richards. But here’s the thing: In the comics, Reed Richards’ dad and Kang share the same name, but they are not the same person. The idea is that Reed’s father traveled into the future, where he became a renowned adventurer and hero, who Kang’s parents chose as his namesake. Nathaniel “Kang the Conqueror” Richards was named after Nathaniel Richards (father of Reed Richards), but they are not related by blood.

Is that confusing? Yes. But that’s comics, baby.

Malkovich likelihood: High. It’s thematically resonant, fits the character’s look, and is an easy avenue to crack the movie’s plot open towards getting the Fantastic Four from this alternate Marvel history into the main MCU. Honestly, this is the one we’d put our money on.

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