Where to find blast cores in Lego Fortnite Odyssey

Where to find blast cores in Lego Fortnite Odyssey

Blast cores are a material in Lego Fortnite Odyssey needed for some utility structures as well as explosives. You’ll need to hunt down some specific enemies to find blast cores and it can be a dangerous trek, depending on how early you are in the game.

Below, we explain where to find blast cores and what to use them for in Lego Fortnite Odyssey.

Where to find blast cores in Lego Fortnite Odyssey

To get blast cores, you’ll need to take out these crab-like volcano creatures called blasters in the dry valley biome. There are lots of them in dry valley caves as well. These enemies will chase you down and blow up after they see you, so you’ll need to be very careful. We recommend used ranged weapons and kiting them to take them out.

You can find a ton of these in the dry valley biome itself, especially during the day. At night, most of the spawns will get taken up by wolves and skeletons, so day time is your best bet.

What uses blast cores in Lego Fortnite Odyssey

You need blast cores for a few utility items, like the gem cutter and the metal smelter. Most notably, you can use them to make Thermal Detonators, a Star Wars-based item that effectively works like a powerful grenade. You’ll need a special crafting bench, the Rebel Workbench, to make these, though.

Looking for more on Lego Fortnite? Check out our Lego Fortnite Odyssey beginners guide. We also have guides on how to play multiplayer with your buddieshow to find caves, and how to build a successful village. And if you’re looking for places to go, see our list of the best seeds in Lego Fortnite.

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