Palworld Technology tree Pal equip unlock list

Palworld Technology tree Pal equip unlock list

In Palworld, you’ll need to unlock new recipes for furniture, crafting benches, Pal equipment, weapons, armor — practically everything — via the Technology tab in the menu. This serves as a skill tree, in a way.

There’s a bunch of stuff that will appear as question marks in your Technology tab until you catch a specific Pal. Based on our experience, you have to catch or hatch the Pal — you can’t have a friend give you one — to get these to appear. Some of the Pals required for specific technology have to be bred, like Frostallion Noct.

Palworld Pal equip Technology unlock list

The Technology tree in Palworld, showing many different equips and Pal equips to make.

Starting at level six, you’ll be able to unlock a new Pal equip every level. Most levels have one or two unlocks, but as you get up there, some levels will have three.

Below, we list out all the Pal equips that unlock per level, so you can make those pesky question marks go away.

Level Unlock 1 Unlock 2 Unlock 3
6 Rushoar Saddle Foxspark’s Harness
7 Melpaca Saddle Celaray’s Gloves
8 Jolthog’s Gloves Daedream’s Necklace
9 Direhowl’s Saddled Harness Killamari’s Gloves
10 Surfent Saddle
11 Lifmunk’s Submachine Gun Jolthog Cryst’s Gloves
12 Tanzee’s Assault Rifle Eikthyrdeer Saddle
13 Grintale Saddle Chillet Saddle
14 Sweepa Saddle Univolt Saddle
15 Nitewing Saddle
16 Arsox Saddle
17 Pengullet’s Rocket Launcher Flopie’s Necklace
18 Tocotoco’s Gloves
19 Dinossom Saddle Digtoise’s Headband
20 Broncherry Saddle Hangyu’s Gloves
21 Vanwyrm Saddle Elphidran Saddle
22 Kingpaca Saddle Dazzi’s Necklace Dazemu Saddle
23 Maraith Saddle Galeclaw’s Gloves
24 Surfent Terra Saddle Mossanda’s Grenade Launcher Azurobe Saddle
25 Mossanda Lux’s Grenade Launcher Eikthyrdeer Terra Saddle
26 Fenglope Saddle Rayhound Saddle
27 Broncherry Aqua Saddle
28 Elphidran Aqua Saddle Mammorest Saddle
29 Dinossom Lux Saddle Reindrix Saddle
30 Kitsun Saddle Pyrin Saddle
31 Reptyro Saddle Hangyu Cryst’s Glove
32 Blazehowl Saddle
33 Helzephyr Saddle Pyrin Noct Saddle
34 Beakon Saddle
35 Blazehowl Noct Saddle
36 Quivern Saddle
37 Ragnahawk Saddle Reptyro Cryst Saddle
38 Blazamut Saddle Faleris Saddle
39 Jormuntide Saddle
40 Suzaku Saddle Grizzbolt’s Minigun
41 Vanwyrm Cryst Saddle
42 Kingpaca Cryst Saddle
43 Suzaku Aqua Saddle Jormuntide Ignis Saddle Yakumo Saddle
44 Relaxaurus’s Missle Launcher Wumpo Saddle
45 Wumpo Botan Saddle Mammorest Cryst Saddle Chillet Ignis Saddle
46 Relaxaurus Lux’s Missle Launcher Shroomer Saddle
47 Astegon Saddle Shadowbeak Saddle Shroomer Noct Saddle
48 Frostallion Saddle Frostallion Noct Saddle
49 Paladius Saddle Necromus Saddle Quivern Botan Saddle
50 Jetragon’s Missle Launcher
51 Xenogard Saddle
52 Helzephr Lux Saddle
53 Selyne Saddle
55 Blazamut Ryu Saddle

For more Palworld guides, we’ve got you covered. If you’re just starting out, we’ve got a beginner’s guide, a list of all Pals, and a type chart. We also have explainers on breedingeggs, and a rundown of how multiplayer works.

On the hunt for resources? Check out our guides on how to get orecoalpolymerleathersulfurwheat seedspure quartzAncient Technology Points, and ancient civilization parts. For advanced players, consult our lists of all tower boss locations, all passive skills, all flying mounts, and the best base locations.

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