All Destiny 2 Illusory Anchor locations in ‘Kell’s Fall’

Illusory Anchors are hidden collectibles in Destiny 2’s “Kell’s Fall” Exotic mission, and you’ll need to find and destroy them with the Slayer’s Fang Exotic shotgun in order to progress the “Revenant Slayer” quests and earn the gun’s various Catalysts.
In this Destiny 2 guide, we’ll show you where to find each set of Illusory Anchors inside “Kell’s Fall” and how to unlock the Catalysts for Slayer’s Fang.
Note: You won’t need to interact with the “Kell’s Fall” organ at all to find these Catalysts, so you can do all four “Revenant Slayer” quests before you’ve fully repaired the organ.
How to start the ‘Revenant Slayer’ Catalyst quests for Slayer’s Fang
After you complete the “Kell’s Fall” Exotic quest for the first time, you’ll be prompted to return to Eido at her lab. She’ll talk to you a bit and give you “Revenant Slayer 1,” “Revenant Slayer 2,” “Revenant Slayer 3,” and “Revenant Slayer 4” all at the same time.
For each of these quests, you’ll need to defeat 20 combatants in the “Kell’s Fall” mission while you have a tonic active. All four quests will progress this objective simultaneously if you have them all in your inventory.
Once you’ve done that, you’ll need to destroy three sets of Illusory Anchors for each quest, with each set appearing in a different place in the mission while on Expert difficulty. These Illusory Anchors are semi-transparent floating shapes that appear in the mission’s mirror dimension sections. You can see the outline with your naked eye, but will need to aim with the Slayer’s Fang shotgun to actually see the full version and shoot them. We’ll break down the locations for each set below.
Finally, you’ll need to complete the “Kell’s Fall” mission on Expert to finish off each quest, so just kill the boss at the end of the Expert version of the mission. After you’ve completed the mission on Expert, you’ll simply need to return the quests to Eido to collect your Catalysts.
Note: If you’re playing in a group, have only one member of your team shoot and destroy an Illusory Anchor at a time, rather than all shooting at it at once. There seems to be an odd co-op interaction in the mission which causes some Illusory Anchors to not count for certain players if multiple Guardians shoot it, meaning you might have to do multiple runs to get all 12 Illusory Anchors. Save yourself some time and take turns with your friends.
‘Revenant Slayer 1’ Illusory Anchor locations
- To find the first Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 1,” head to the mirror dimension in “Kell’s Fall,” just after you visit the organ. Immediately after you enter the “yrellaG rorriM,” take a hard left and you’ll see a bunch of roots and a dead end. To the right of the roots is the first Illusory Anchor. Aim at it with your Slayer’s Fang and then shoot it to destroy it.
- To find the second Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 1,” head down the hall from the first Illusory Anchor like you’re progressing the mission normally. Take a left and then a right into a long hallway. At the end of this hallway, you’ll find a big door and the second Illusory Anchor of this section.
- To find the third Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 1,” you’ll only need to walk a few steps from the second. From the big door, take a right into the chamber with the massive tree root lying across it. To the right of the root, next to a door, you’ll find the final Illusory Anchor needed for this quest. Destroy it with Slayer’s Fang.
Now you need to complete “Kell’s Fall” on Expert and turn “Revenant Slayer 1” into Eido in order to unlock the Repulsor Brace Refit Catalyst for Slayer’s Fang.
‘Revenant Slayer 2’ Illusory Anchor locations
- To find the first Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 2,” you’ll need to reach the Fighting Pit encounter and start it. Once you head into the “tiP gnithgiF” mirror dimension, you’ll find the first Illusory Anchor in the middle of the main platform, floating above the metal.
- To find the second Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 2,” head left from the center arena to the area with the arches at the end of the arena. Under the arches, in the little tunnel, you’ll find some grooves and platforms that look like they’re meant to hold statues. In the second groove from the right, you’ll find the second Illusory Anchor.
- To find the third Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 2,” leave the archway tunnel where you found the second Illusory Anchor and head toward the entrance of the Fighting Pit and the big door there. Just to the right of the door, in front of a big Awoken statue and column, you’ll find the third Illusory Anchor. Destroy it with Slayer’s Fang.
Now you need to complete “Kell’s Fall” on Expert and turn “Revenant Slayer 2” into Eido in order to unlock the Loose Change Refit Catalyst for Slayer’s Fang.
Note: Because these Illusory Anchors are in a Darkness Zone, you can wipe the encounter and respawn them if some fail to credit for your Fireteam members.
‘Revenant Slayer 3’ Illusory Anchor locations
- To find the first Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 3,” progress the mission until you enter the mirror dimension and the fight against the Mindbender in the “mutcnaS.” From the room where the boss’ first phase takes place, walk to the back right corner and you’ll find an altar indented into the wall behind a large root. The first Illusory Anchor is sitting in front of the altar.
- To find the second Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 3,” head back toward the mirror that leads to the earlier part of the mission and look into the alcove to its right (your left). You’ll see the Illusory Anchor floating above a small platform.
- To find the third Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 3,” head into the far left tunnels in the boss arena. At the end of the tunnel, before you turn right, you’ll find the Illusory Anchor floating in front of some metal debris. Destroy it with Slayer’s Fang.
Now you need to complete “Kell’s Fall” on Expert and turn “Revenant Slayer 3” into Eido in order to unlock the Stats for All Refit Catalyst for Slayer’s Fang.
Note: Because these Illusory Anchors are in a Darkness Zone, you can wipe the encounter and respawn them if some fail to credit for your Fireteam members.
‘Revenant Slayer 4’ Illusory Anchor locations
- To find the first Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 4,” progress the mission until you enter the final boss encounter and run through the mirror to escape The Fanatic. The first Illusory Anchor is right in front of the throne, which should be a short walk for you once you move into the “mooR enorhT.” Destroy it with the Slayer’s Fang.
- To find the second Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 4,” you’ll need to go to the opposite side of the arena, through the doorway that leads into the final fight. Walk past the mirror, into the door corridor and turn right (which was your left when you first walked in to fight Fikrul). You’ll find the Illusory Anchor resting in front of a statue.
- The third and final Illusory Anchor for “Revenant Slayer 4,” is on the right side of the arena, in the small hallway. It’s near the Awoken statue on the throne-side of the room, but it’s floating about 10 feet in the air, making it hard to find. Destroy it.
Now you need to kill Fikrul on Expert and turn “Revenant Slayer 4” into Eido in order to unlock Cascade Point Refit Catalyst for Slayer’s Fang.
Note: Because these Illusory Anchors are in a Darkness Zone, you can wipe the encounter and respawn them if some fail to credit for your Fireteam members.
What’s the best Catalyst for Slayer’s Fang?
The choice of “best Catalyst” for Slayer’s Fang really comes down to defense or offense: Pick Repulsor Brace for a defensive build, or pick Cascade Point for an offensive build.
First, let’s eliminate Stats for All and Loose Change from the running. In PvE, these are both mostly reload perks, and Slayer’s Fang reloads all of its shots via a single reload pellet, giving it very high reload speed for a shotgun. Because we don’t need to worry about the reload, you can skip these unless you’re looking to enhance your stats for PvP (then choose Stats for All).
Cascade Point allows you to pump out a lot of shots very quickly, which could be really useful in a damage scenario if shotguns become meta again, or if you just want to waste a Champion very quickly. This is pretty situational, but potentially quite strong, as Slayer’s Fang is very good for taking out beefy targets.
We’d recommend you take Repulsor Brace, though. Because Slayer’s Fang is always Weakening targets, Repulsor Brace will constantly be active, meaning you’ll get a Void Overshield multiple times per-magazine. This will keep you healthy while you’re up in shotgun range, and can even play nicely into some other subclass bonuses — especially for all the Void Titans out there.